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Discover Ways You Can Improve Your Hearing

The holiday season is now upon us. You will most likely be spending more time in social settings, gathering with family and friends. If you have become accustomed to hearing in quieter environments, then you may struggle to hear in noisier settings again.

Whether you are spending time with your family at the dinner table, conversing with your friends, or playing with your grandchildren, you want to hear every moment. Discover a few ways you can improve your hearing for the holidays so you don’t miss any of the joy the season has to offer.

Tips for Better Hearing in Social Settings

Tips for Better Hearing at a Family Gathering

Try Some of These Tips

Two of the best ways to improve your hearing are to make an appointment for a hearing evaluation and to wear your hearing aids. Hearing aids will greatly help you hear the conversation and understand the people around you. Depending on the type of hearing aids you have they can even connect to your smartphone using Bluetooth, putting you in control of your hearing.

Don’t let hearing loss keep you from enjoying time with your loved ones this holiday season. Make an appointment for a hearing evaluation before the holidays are here. We can test your hearing and make sure your hearing loss hasn’t changed and that your hearing aids are performing their best for you. Call today to see us before the holidays!


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Saco, ME 04072

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6 Hemlock Drive (P.O. Box 229)
Saco, ME 04072